Senator Blanche Lincoln speaks out about why online gambling is a bad bet for Pennsylvania. Here’s a little of what she had to say:
“Look around at your kids or anywhere teenagers are hanging out and you will see them glued to their portable phones: Texting, playing games or using the latest hot app.
It is amazing how much of their lives are tied to their mobile devices and how with a few taps of their fingers they can access almost anything. As a parent, the amount of time that kids spend on their phones concerns me, now imagine what would happen if their smartphone could be turned into a real-time slot machine that could host casino games named “Kitty Glitter” or “Santa Spin” or “OMG Kittens?”
Could your child access these games? Would they want to try it? Would they want to see what it’s like to gamble, with your money?
Proposals are circulating in Harrisburg to legalize online gambling, turning every home, mobile device, tablet and desktop into a casino.
These bills are bad ideas and should be stopped for many reasons.
First, sponsors want to allow “bad actors” – people or businesses who have troubled backgrounds and dubious legal histories—to be allowed to run internet gambling sites in Pennsylvania. They do not believe there should be a prohibitions against marketing games to minors.
Supporters of internet gambling will tell you that technology exists to ensure no minor will be allowed to gamble.
However there is no technology, no matter how well intentioned, that is safe from a curious child wanting to imitate their parents or the careless adult who hands over a tablet with a casino loaded and ready to play.
Some legislators in Harrisburg believe that tax revenues from Internet gambling are needed to balance the budget.
Unfortunately, Internet gambling is a proven, consistent fiscal loser in the three states that have tried it.”