CSI: Cyber is the latest spin-off in the popular CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) franchise. The show, which premiered this season on CBS, is about the Cyber Crime division of the FBI and is based on the life of cyber psychologist, Mary Aiken.
The latest episode of CSI: Cyber aired last week and highlighted the potential for criminal activity and money laundering when it comes to online gambling. In the episode, a cyber criminal uses a sophisticated algorithm to launder hundreds of thousands of dollars via an online poker game. Special Agent Avery Ryan, played by Patricia Arquette, says “the online gaming world is a haven for cyber-criminals,” echoing real-word concerns voiced by the FBI in a 2013 letter to Congress.
Watch a clip from last week’s episode and see a dramatization of just how easy it is for sophisticated hackers to find innovative ways to exploit online gaming to launder illicit funds. Then take 30 seconds and make your voice heard by telling Congress to support a ban on Internet gambling.