“New DOJ Opinion On The Wire Act Will (Not Might) Come On Friday” – USBets.com
Online Poker Report: “The Department of Justice is preparing an opinion that will likely say that the Wire Act applies to all forms of online gambling and not just sports betting” (Online Poker Report, 12/19/18)
- Casino.org: “…An action that could put legal US online gaming in jeopardy” (Casino.org, 12/19/18)
“Not Good News” For States Which Offer Online Gambling
OnlinePoker.net: “It would…not be good news for those states which currently offer online poker and casino games” (OnlinePoker.net, 12/20/18)
- Wire Act Expert John Holden: “This is not good news for poker, and online casinos…” (Online Poker Report, 12/19/18)
- Casino.org: “…If such a decision does come down, it could potentially put states with legal online gambling — currently Nevada, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania — in direct conflict with the federal government…” (Casino.org, 12/19/18)
- USBets.com: “New Jersey has ‘great concerns’ as feds prepare new legal opinion on iGaming” (USBets.com, 12/19/18)
- Former State Sen. Raymond Lesniak – Who Sponsored Bill To Legalize Online Gambling In NJ: “Just the opinion in and of itself will have a chilling effect on operations…” (PlayNJ, 12/19/18)
Decision Could “Spook” Banks Into Declining Online Gambling Transactions, “Negative Impact Likely At Gross Gaming Revenue”
PlayNJ: “A reversal could spook some of the vendors that facilitate online gambling, including payment processors.” (PlayNJ, 12/19/18)
- GamblingCompliance Research Director Chris Krafcik: “Couple of thoughts re: potential OLC reversal: It could spook card-issuing banks into declining legal online gambling transactions. Card-based transactions currently account for about 15% of NJ online casino / sports mix, per our tracking, so neg. impact likely at [gross gaming revenue] level.” (Twitter, 12/19/18)