On Wednesday, October 28, at 9:00am, the Coalition to Stop Internet Gambling (CSIG), hosted a press conference to discuss H.R. 707, Restoration of America’s Wire Act. Bill sponsor, Congressman Jason Chaffetz, House Values Action Team Chairman, Rep. Joe Pitts, and former Rep. J.C. Watts joined numerous national CSIG members and allies to talk about the importance of protecting the right of families to keep online casinos out of their homes and off their children’s mobile devices.
Colin Hanna of Let Freedom Ring said in a statement, “Internet gambling is a game changer. Congress recognized this when it passed a law in 2006 specifically to stop Internet gambling – a law many of us worked hard to see enacted. Certainly any decision to undermine this law, and unleash Internet gambling on our country, should not be left to a lawyer burrowed in the Justice Department.”
George Landrith of Frontiers of Freedom also pointed out that, “Online gambling presents significant national security and cyber-risks to Americans. That is why I support RAWA and support the Judiciary Committee promptly reporting out this bill with no loopholes.”
Public opinion research conducted by WPA’s Chris Wilson shows that Americans oppose legalization of online gambling in the United States by wide margins. Wilson noted that his nationwide survey of 1,000 likely voters in late April of this year found that “a majority of Americans, 66%, oppose the legalization of online gambling across the U.S. and legislators who support online gambling could face political backlash as a result. Voters are less likely to re-elect their legislators by a margin of more than three to one (56% less likely v. 16% more likely) if their legislator supports measures to legalize online gambling.”
Participating Groups included:
Background info:
Since its implementation in 1961, various Administrations have held that the federal Wire Act bars Internet gambling. That position has enjoyed bipartisan support from the public, their representatives, and from the Attorneys General of most states. But without any notice, consultation with Congress, or public input, the Justice Department on December 23, 2011, issued a legal opinion reversing that interpretation. The reversal unleashes the potential for an unregulated gambling industry to be imposed nationwide.
Congressman Chaffetz introduced H.R. 707 – Restoration of America’s Wire Act earlier this year.